
Efficiency Through Technology

Approved Code of Practice and Guidance L8 (fourth edition), published by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) in 2013 with technical guidance published separately in HSG274, seeks to reduce risk in a practical manner. Adoption of the right technology now allows us to be better at what we do – securing truly insightful information means we can improve water safety and reduce risk of Legionella at all times.

Our objectives are precisely defined. Through technology advancement we can improve risk mitigation and reduce costs.

Developed in conjunction with Spica Technologies, LinkThru TMU is not simply “tech for tech’s sake”, but tech specifically designed to improve process and deliver a tangible business outcome.

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The LinkThru temperature monitoring system is running in many estates, including several Healthcare sites in addition to other Public Sector and Commercial premises.

Developed through extensive collaboration with Spica Technologies and the involvement of key maintenance and engineering personnel, the platform is powered by Spica Devicepoint® and ensures adherence to HSE technical guidance and approved codes of practice.

Our new web-based software platform, in conjunction with Temperature Monitoring Units, eliminates the need for costly and potentially inaccurate manual measurement tasks, providing a vastly superior picture of likely risks, whilst meeting and exceeding regulatory requirements. LinkThru TMU also records "actual" water system flow event data to provide reliable outlet usage insights and inform risk management.

David Meacock
Technical Director, Cistermiser

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